
Summary of Switch On Your Brain


Summary of Switch On Your BrainThe Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health By Dr. Caroline Leaf

The introduction concentrates on the need to switch on our brain with hope. It refers to Hebrews 11:1. The Scripture underlines how faith serves as the substance of things we hope for and the proof of things we do not see. The related science concept accentuates that thoughts are real and physical in nature and inhabit actual space in our mind. Our thoughts alter our brain structure all the time. Hope is a mind activity that alters our brain structure to accomplish a normal and positive state.

Additionally, thoughts alter matters structure. Also, neuroplasticity refers to the brain's property of being adaptable and flexible, modifying every single moment. In harmony with religion, science is also recognizing the brain as something that is renewable instead of something that is strictly programmed in the initial phases of life and does not have the ability to adjust. Outstanding scientists discuss and exhibit the way we can alter our brain with our mind utilizing brain-imaging techniques and behavioral change evidence.