
The Anger Trap


Traffic jams, airport lines, unruly children, nagging parents, unrealistic bosses--all are potential triggers for anger. Some people can control their anger, while others struggle with anger that can easily create strain and tension. But there's more to anger than raw, unrefined emotion. All kinds of situations and people can be not only irritating but create a simmering anger that lies just below the surface. Many people have anger so buried deep down inside that they don't realize that certain behaviors which cause problems at home or at work actually stem from unrecognized and unresolved anger from the past. Guided more by impulse than by choice, we can become trapped by our anger to the extent that it is a defining feature in our personality. "The Anger Trap" explores why people remain stuck in this painful emotion and helps readers release themselves from this emotional ensnarement. Les Carter strips away the myths and misconceptions about anger, teaching us to

Narrador/a: Kirby Heybourne