The story of this historical novel follows Lord Jack Carstares, an English nobleman who becomes a highwayman after taking the blame during a cheating scandal years before. The story is set during the Georgian era in the 1750s, and follows Lord Jack Carstares, the eldest son of the Earl of Wyncham. Six years ago, Jack took the blame when his younger brother Richard cheated at cards. Jack consequently faced social exile and fled England for the European continent. He has now secretly returned, robbing carriages as a highwayman. In public he calls himself Sir Anthony Ferndale.
The Bridgerthonian Fiction - 20 Regency Romance Novels : Fantomina, Belinda, The Wanderer, Sense and Sensibility, Vanity Fair, Anti-Pamela, Miss Marjoribanks...
Georgette Heyer, Eliza Haywood, Fanny Burney, Jane Austen, Maria Edgeworth, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mrs. Olifant, William Makepeace Thackeray, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Leo Tolstoy
Georgette Heyer
Georgette Heyer
Georgette Heyer
Georgette Heyer
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