The most Ornamental FOREIGN PLANTS, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours, their Names, Class, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated LINNÆUS; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering: TOGETHER WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE. - Intended for the Use of GARDENERS AND EVERYONE, as wish to become scientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate.
Debates de la cooperación latinoamericana
Silvana Insignares Cera
bookLa docente Slow : Contra la cultura de la velocidad en la academia
Maggie Berg, Barbara K. Seeber
bookLa cooperación internacional como alternativa a los unilateralismos
Eric Tremolada Álvarez
bookZentangle 5 : 40 more Tangles and Fabulous Jewelry (sequel to Zentangle Basics, 2, 3 and 4)
Suzanne McNeill CZT
bookDesarrollo con rostro humano desde las prácticas educativas populares
Johan Andrés Nieto Bravo
bookGimme Some Sugar : 90 Devotions to Sweeten Your Day in a Godly Way
Linda Kozar
bookEstereotipos y clichés
Ruth Amossy, Anne Herschberg Pierrot
bookEspaña solidaria : Historia de la cooperación española al desarrollo (1986-2016)
Miguel Ángel Villena
bookCooperación vs. Cooperación : Ayuda Oficial para el Desarrollo
Roberto S. Smith Hernández
bookTugar, tugar, salir a jugar
Rafael Gumucio
bookMy Artbook
Toni iskulehto
bookA Queen for All Seasons : A Year of Tips, Tricks, and Picks for a Cleaner House and a More Organized Life!
Linda Cobb