This is a rare objective example of the war record created by the eye-witness. The value of this work is enormous, as the author, General von Clausewitz, was neither French nor Russian himself, therefore as free from national sentiments. The book gives an accurate and scientific record of all events from the arrival to Wilna campaign start to the Battle of Borodino and further retreat. You will also read about the most prominent personalities of the time, like Napoleon Buonaparte, Kutuzov, Ouspensky, Czar Alexander, and others. An author gives a deep strategic-level historical, political, and social analysis of events of the French campaign. For example, he touches upon the burning of Moscow, whether it was necessary, and what would be the consequences if the city had been preserved. Clausewitz tries to analyze other scenarios for Napoleon's retreat. Was it possible for him to save his army, and what factors did a great leader miss? Generally, "The Campaign of 1812" is a valuable source of rare information and analysis on one of the most crucial war campaigns in the history of humanity.
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