The fairy tales and legends of olden China have in common with the "Thousand and One Nights" an oriental glow and glitter of precious stones and gold and multicolored silks, an oriental wealth of fantastic and supernatural action. And yet they strike an exotic note distinct in itself. The seventy-three stories here presented after original sources, embracing "Nursery Fairy Tales," "Legends of the Gods," "Tales of Saints and Magicians," "Nature and Animal Tales," "Ghost Stories," "Historic Fairy Tales," and "Literary Fairy Tales," probably represent the most comprehensive and varied collection of oriental fairy tales ever made available for American readers. There is no child who will not enjoy their novel color, their fantastic beauty, their infinite variety of subject. Yet, like the "Arabian Nights," they will amply repay the attention of the older reader as well.
The Chinese Fairy Book
- 161 páginas
- 2 libros
Richard Wilhelm
Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930) es uno de los sinólogos más importantes de todos los tiempos. Vinculado durante buena parte de su vida a la editorial Diederichs, donde dirigió la colección "Religion und Philosophie Chinas", de la que se publicaron ocho volúmenes entre 1910 y 1930, y realizó brillantes traducciones de clásicos chinos, como las de el Yi King, el libro de las mutaciones y Tao Te King. Es también coautor, junto con Carl Gustav Jung, de El secreto de la flor de oro, igualmente publicado por Paidós.
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