
The Effective Hiring Manager


The Effective Hiring Manager offers an essential guide for managers, team leaders, and HR professionals in organizations large or small. The author's step-by-step approach makes the strategies easy to implement and help to ensure ongoing success.

Hiring effectively is the single greatest long-term contribution to your organization. The only thing worse than having an open position is filling it with the wrong person. The Effective Hiring Manager offers a proven process for solving these problems and helping teams and organizations thrive.

Listeners will learn the fundamental principles of hiring and interviewing, how to create criteria to hire by, how to create excellent interview questions, how to review resumes, how to conduct phone screens, how to structure an interview day, how to conduct each interview, how to capture interview results, and more.

Written by Mark Horstman, cofounder of Manager Tools and an expert in training managers, The Effective Hiring Manager is an A to Z handbook to the successful hiring process. The book explores, in helpful detail, what it takes to hire the right person, for the right job, and the right team.



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