
The Expedition: Two Parents Risk Life and Family in an Extraordinary Quest to the South Pole


Meet married couple Chris and Marty. At midlife, they unexpectedly find themselves weighing the responsibility of parenthood against the possibility of one more grand adventure. After securing care for their twelve-year-old son, they set off to undertake one of the hardest challenges on the planet: Ski 570 miles from the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole. With no guide or resupply.

Experience a boundless white wonderland. Feel the intensity of 220-pound sleds, 40-below temperatures, and mind-numbing isolation. Chris and Marty stretch their bodies, minds, and marriage to the limit in the process of making history. Riveting and inspiring, The Expedition is about the power of family and community, the adventurous spirit that dwells within us all, and breaking through to feel fully alive.

Narrador/a: Chris Fagan