The room was strange as the man, himself, who dwelt there. It seemed, in a way, the outward expression of his inner personality. He had ordered it built from his own plans, to please a whim of his restless mind, on top of the gigantic skyscraper that formed part of his properties.
The World War Series
Joseph Alexander Altsheler
bookThe New Army in Training
Rudyard Kipling
bookTo Do and Die
Patrick Mercer
bookWar and Peace II
Leo Tolstoy
bookThe International Spy
Allen Upward
bookThe Fox
David Herbert Lawrence
bookA Grave Too Many
William Norris
bookMen of Iron
Howard Pyle
bookThe Complete J.G. Reeder Series
Edgar Wallace
bookThe Blue and the Gray Army Series: Brother Against Brother, Volume 1 of 6
Oliver Optic
bookThe Civil War Series
Joseph Altsheler
bookThe Vietnam War Trilogy
John M. Del Vecchio