A torrent's course does not depend on the water; it is latent in the mountain's topography. What controls a man's destiny?' 'There is no virtue without vice; just as there is no gold without impurity. Therefore, when one acquires a virtue, does he not acquire a vice too?' Such are the musings and reflections in 'The Landscape of a Mind'. In this profoundly introspective collection of thoughts, gathered in journal entries and correspondence with friends, Tohon questions the essence of human nature, the obscure workings of the human mind and the heart, and mulls over the meaning of good and evil, the implications of the self and ego, and the concepts of free will and choice, destiny and fate. A considerable amount of ground to cover, but Tohon's personalised and conversational tone, as well as his use of an approach that is very much rooted in the Eastern philosophies, makes this piece an enjoyable exchange of thoughts, ideas and beliefs between humanists and philosophers on a very much global level.
The Landscape of a Mind
- 186 páginas