What Globalization Now Means for Your Business. Executives can no longer base their strategies on the assumption that globalization will continue to advance steadily. But how should they respond to the growing pressures against globalization? And what can businesses do to control their destinies in these times of uncertainty? In The New Global Road Map, Pankaj Ghemawat separates fact from fiction by giving readers a better understanding of the key trends affecting global business. He also explains how globalization levels around the world are changing, and where they are likely to go in the future. Using the most up-to-date data and analysis, Ghemawat dispels today's most dangerous myths and provides a clear view of the most critical issues facing policy makers in the years ahead. Building on this analysis, with examples from a diverse set of companies across industries and geographies, Ghemawat provides actionable frameworks and tools to help executives revise their strategies, restructure their global footprints, realign their organizations, and rethink how they work with local governments and institutions. In our era of rising nationalism and increased skepticism about globalization's benefits, The New Global Road Map delivers the definitive guide on how to compete profitably across borders.
The New Global Road Map
- 1 libro
Pankaj Ghemawat
Doctorado en Empresariales y Económicas por la Universidad de Harvard, y anterior consultor de McKinsey & Cia. en Londres, Pankaj Ghemawat desarrolla su actividad en el campo de las dinámicas de la globalización aplicadas a estrategias empresariales.Es autor de tres publicaciones, Commitment (1991), Games Businesses Play (1997), Strategy and the Business Landscape (1999), además de numerosos artículos y casos prácticos en el campo de los negocios internacionales. Colabora como miembro del comité editor en diversos medios especializados y en la actualidad ejerce de profesor de la asignatura administración de empresas en la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad de Harvard e imparte clases en el IESE Business School.
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