Serafino is a typical Pirandellian anti-hero, a spectator rather than a participant in the tragi-comedy of human existence. Indeed he has the perfect job for it, that of a film cameraman. Serafino is an observer, an impersonal tool of a new industry based on make-believe. All he has to do is turn the handle of his camera and watch. He has no part in what is going on and is so removed from life that the mauling of an actor by a tiger cannot deflect him from filming the action. The Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio is set in Rome circa 1915, partly on a film set, partly in the city.
El viaje
Luigi Pirandello
bookUno, nessuno e centomila - Audiolibro
Luigi Pirandello
audiobookIl fu Mattia Pascal
Luigi Pirandello
Luigi Pirandello
bookSeis Personajes en Busca de Autor : La búsqueda de la identidad y la verdad a través de personajes perdidos en el teatro del siglo XX
Luigi Pirandello
bookUn cavallo nella luna : Un viaggio nel realismo magico e nella critica sociale attraverso le pagine di un capolavoro italiano
Luigi Pirandello
bookEn till!
Luigi Pirandello
bookA vilanza (la bilancia); Cappiddazzu paga tuttu : Teatro dialettale siciliano, volume settimo
Luigi Pirandello, Nino Martoglio
bookLa vita che ti diedi : Tragedia in tre atti : Trauma e identità nell'opera teatrale di Pirandello
Luigi Pirandello
bookSei personaggi in cerca d'autore
Luigi Pirandello
bookEnrico IV
Luigi Pirandello
Luigi Pirandello
DRIFTING : A vau-l'eau
J.-K. Huysmans
bookToomas Nipernaadi
August Gailit
bookThe Queen of Darkness and other stories
Grazia Deledda
bookMarianna Sirca
Grazia Deledda
bookThe Angel of the West Window
Gustav Meyrink, Mike Mitchell
bookThe Vatard Sisters
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Brendan King
bookThe Green Face
Gustav Meyrink, Mike Mitchell, Franz Rottensteiner
bookStranded : En Rade
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Brendan King
bookAlves & Co : and other stories
Eca de Queiroz
bookThe Fiery Angel
Valery Bruisov
bookThe Relic
Eca de Queiroz, Margaret Jull Costa
bookHans Cadzand's Vocation & Other Stories
Georges Rodenbach