When 11-year-old Abraham van Helsing attends the scientific unwrapping of a mummy with the father, he discocvers a power from beyond the grave lingers in a strange, bird-shapped amulet hidden in the wrappings. Its impact on his young mind will last a lifetime...
Black Cat Weekly #180
Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Sherry Harris, Hal Charles, Marcelle Dubé, R.T. Lawton, Charles Walter, Larry Tritten, Lin Carter, Hulbert Footner
bookBlack Cat Weekly #68
N.M. Cedeño, Heather Critchlow, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Hal Charles, Milton J. Davis, Lester del Rey, James Holding, Hal Meredith, Ray Bradbury
bookBlack Cat Weekly #67
Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Christine Poulson, Frank Zafiro, John Gregory Betancourt, Stephen Marlowe, Murray Leinster, Hal Charles, Johnston McCulley, Lawrence L. Lynch
Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch