
The Synthesis of Physics and Magic


First of all, physics and magic are two completely different worldviews:

- Physics looks at evolution along the time-ray and finds quantitative correlations - magic looks at simultaneities and finds qualitative correlations.

- Physics considers quantity-equalities and finds formulas by it - magic considers quality-equalities and finds analogies by it.

- Physics considers the multiplicity of the world and finds the perfect determinacy of all outer events - magic considers the unity of consciousness and finds therefore the freedom of all inner actions.

You cannot explain one worldview with the other, but you can combine the two into a more comprehensive worldview.

If one compares the structures in both worldviews, one finds a very broad correspondence:

- Both the angles in physics and the angles in astrology have the same qualities.

- Both the superstring and the zodiac are a twelve-divided circle.

- Both the superstring theory and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life have eleven areas with the same quality.

- Both the solar circumference and the chakra system have the same structure.

From these and some other building blocks the detailed sketch of a unified magical-physical world view can be put together.