In seven simple steps, Uncovering Happiness uses cutting-edge mindfulness and self-compassion techniques along with innovations in neuroscience to release natural antidepressants in the brain. Dr. Goldstein shows you how to take back control of your mind, your mood, and your life.
El manual del mindfulness : Prácticas diarias del programa de reducción del estrés basado en el mindfulness (MBSR)
Elisha Goldstein, Bob Stahl
bookUncovering Happiness : Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
Elisha Goldstein
bookMindfulness Meditations for the Troubled Sleeper : The Now Effect
Elisha Goldstein
bookMindfulness Meditations for the Frantic Parent : The Now Effect
Elisha Goldstein
bookThe Now Effect: How a Mindful Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life
Elisha Goldstein
bookMindfulness Meditations for the Anxious Traveler : Quick Exercises to Calm Your Mind
Elisha Goldstein
Mindful Affirmations : Get Your Daily Dose of Affirmations That Will Help You Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness
Eden Phyllis
audiobookEmbracing Yourself with Self-Compassion Stop Being Your Own Antagonist, Take a Deep Look at Yourself, Let Go of The Past Mistakes, Embrace a Positive Beginning and Learn The Peace of Self-Acceptance
Laura Warren
audiobookCómo tratar con personalidades difíciles
Christophe Andre
audiobookResilience For Dummies
Eva Selhub
audiobookLife Coaching
Centre of Excellence
audiobookEl milagro de mindfulness : Una introducción a la práctica de la meditación
Thich Nhat Hanh
audiobookLos 7 pilares de la resiliencia: Cómo entrenar la resiliencia con los métodos de poder, volverse resistente al estrés y construir una resiliencia de hierro (incluye ejercicios, test & Workbook)
Emilia Morel
audiobookGuíaBurros: Espiritualidad y autoayuda : Herramientas para el crecimiento interior
Sebastián Vázquez
audiobookMy Pocket Yoga : Anytime Exercises That Refresh, Refocus, and Restore
Padraig O'Morain
audiobookEpicteto - Filosofia de los Estoicos. Manual para ser Feliz "El Enquiridión"
audiobookVe a terapia
Nathalia Molina