Venus in India Charles Devereaux - Steamy smut from the Victorian era! Venus in India is said to be the autobiography of a British Army officer serving on the North West Frontier of India, describing his erotic adventures with Lizzie Wilson and the three daughters of Colonel Selwyn. Before internet porn, before porn videos, before porn movies, people lusting for raunchy, X-rated entertainment read pornographic books and magazines. Victorian England had its own adult entertainment industry countless erotic novels were put out by shady publishers, some books were printed by the authors themselves, and most of the writers were anonymous. Many of these 19th century books are surprisingly kinky, and some of them may be quite offensive to modern day readers in more ways than one. First published in 1889, this classic of Victorian pornography was written by the pseudonymous Charles Devereaux.
Venus in India
- 200 páginas
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Charles Devereaux
Cabría dudar de la autenticidad de estas memorias, dado que su autor se oculta tras el seudónimo de Charles Devereaux, capitán del Ejército británico destacado en la India. Sin embargo, la lectura de Venus en India, o aventuras amorosas en el Hindustán —para ser fieles a la edición original, publicada en Bruselas en 1889— no revela la típica novelita picante del último período victoriano, sino más bien una verdadera autobiografía erótica, descrita con sencillez y sinceridad y que supone a una persona culturalmente informada y preparada.
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