
Your Invisible Power : and How to Use It


This recording has been digitally produced by DeepZen Limited, using a synthesised version of an audiobook narrator’s voice under license. DeepZen uses Emotive Speech Technology to create digital narrations that offer a similar listening experience to human narration.

Genevieve Behrend was the only personal student of Thomas Troward, the great expert on the "science of the mind." "The Invisible Power of Visualization" is a powerful yet simple and easy guide. This book can teach you how to use the power of visualization and other processes taught by Thomas Troward, to transform your life. Behrend says, "We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we imagine, and visualization is one of the greatest of these powers. It points us to other possibilities. When we stop for a moment to think, we realize that the cosmos must be the result of a cosmic mind in order to exist."