Bluette Men

Saga • 3 libros

Roman "Blue" Bluette falls in love with a woman. He plans on spending the rest of his life with this woman but circumstances prevent that from happening. He settles on being alone for the rest of his life and focuses his energy on other things until he meets her.

She is an unconventional woman in the sense that she loves girly things like pretty clothes and manicures but she is also just as comfortable hanging out with the guys, arguing about sports and riding motorcycles. She believes in love but her encounters with it so far have left much to be

desired. She wants someone to love her and to take care of her. She almost considers settling for one or the other until she meets him.

Can they love each other through their brokenness to find true happiness?

3 de 3 títulos

Estos son todos los libros de la saga Bluette Men