Heracles Trilogy

Saga • 3 libros

Surpass all odds, break the chains, defeat a God...

Heracles’ trials are far from over. Carrying the weight of the heavens, accompanied only by his most loyal friend, Iolaus, he will do anything to atone for his crimes. But all is not as it seems. Gods and men alike plot against him...

First Heracles must obtain the girdle of the Amazonian Queen, Hippolyta, steal cattle from the monstrous Geryon, and take apples from the Garden of Hesperides.

Through it all Heracles will come to realise his betrayal is more complete than he could ever have imagined. Ultimately, to release himself from his suffering, he must journey deep into Hades, and face death itself...

The final instalment in The Heracles Trilogy, Hero of Olympus, is a thrilling triumph, perfect for fans of Miles Cameron, C.F. Iggulden and Simon Scarrow.

Glyn Iliffe studied English and Classics at Reading University, where he developed a passion for the stories of ancient Greek mythology. Well travelled, Glyn has visited nearly forty countries, trekked in the Himalayas, spent six weeks hitchhiking across North America and had his collarbone broken by a bull in Pamplona. He is married with two daughters and lives in Leicestershire.

3 de 3 títulos

Estos son todos los libros de la saga Heracles Trilogy