Lesbian Billionaire

Saga • 5 libros

I am Olivia Hampshire. The following book is based on a true story and this book looks at a serious problem in the United States right now. The problem is opiate addiction. I read about the problem about a year ago and I just had to write about it.

"Thank you Olivia for another great book. This one was so on target to what is really happening in West Virginia. I live in London, but I have relatives living in West Virginia in a situation very much the main character. The drug companies. It's so hard to believe that this is still going on and that it is still for the most part legal. And the love in the story. The love was so strong and so sad. Oppss, don't mean to ruin it for anyone." Claudia, London, England

"I love tough adventurous women because I am one. And tough adventure ass kicking women are even better. I am a female, lesbian, law enforcement officer and from time to time, I have to kick ass, but only for the right reasons. In this book, Bad ass Debbie Brown, and her FBI associate Beth, kick ass for all the right reasons. I love street justice." Mary Beth, NY, NY

"So much to talk about after reading this book. The question I am thinking about after reading it is who should be in jail? What is legal and what is not legal and why? Big companies can pay politicians to make the non legal legal and then everything is ok? What a mess. And the problem is that this is a real world mess. Not just a fiction book." Nicole, Santa Fe, NM

"I'm from the area where this book is focused on and the story is so real. The places, the roads, what the people are like that live there and the whole thing, even in real life is like a science fiction reality that you never, ever see or here about in the newspapers or on the evening news. It's a real nightmare. Thank you Olivia for focusing on this issue and I hope the nightmare in this book opens some eyes to awakening." Sarah, San Francisco, CA