Seraphin Series

Saga • 7 libros

Will war and violence ever end? Are we at the end of a cosmic cycle? Is our planet destined to self-destruct? How can we collectively create a better world? How can we make the earth peaceful, beautiful and abundant? The angel Seraphin answers all these questions. He is very direct, yet always compassed by compassion.

While some of earths inhabitants live in their own microcosms, dominated by their daily lives, a much bigger scenario is playing out on the world stage which will force us towards a wider and completely different focus. We will experience great loss, as well as great joy. Through his telepathic messages, the angel Seraphin helps us navigate these very difficult waters, lifting us out of resignation, convincing us of our own divine potential, and inspiring us to take action.

Part 2 of this volume consists of a PIONEER EXERCISE MANUAL on how to help others overcome trauma and interact constructively.

Part three contains newly received nuggets of advice, each starting with the sentence THE WORLD WILL BECOME PEACEFUL, BEAUTIFUL AND ABUNDANT IF.

Your words and thoughts travel universes. Your acts of courage and kindness can inspire a million onlookers. Your unconditional love can travel to far flung galaxies from one second to the next

- Seraphin


A very enlightening read for anyone who has the distinct impression that there is something terribly wrong with this world, and who wants to find out the true reasons, as well as the true solutions which are in accordance with the GREATER COSMIC PLAN.