The Human Comedy: Philosophical Studies

Saga • 9 libros

When an aspiring artist Nicolas Poussin gets a chance to meet the legendary painter Frenhofer, he is more than thrilled. Frenhofer has the ability to paint in an incredible way, and besides that, he has deep and philosophical thoughts about aesthetics and art. Poussin is so ensnared by Frenhofer that he offers his lover Gillette to work as a model for Frenhofer – without asking Gillette first.

‘The Unknown Masterpiece’ is Honoré de Balzac’s short story first published in 1831.

Honoré de Balzac (1799–1850) was a French writer. He was born in Tours, but moved to Paris when he was a teenager. The best known works of his include ‘Father Goriot’ and ‘Cousin Bette’. Balzac’s writing style is realistic, and he also wrote plays. Besides writing he worked as a journalist and critic.

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