Will Diamond

Saga • 2 libros

Natinka from the famous Zulu tribe on Earth, and combat trained by the space adventurers Pyrrus and Kerk, oversees security on Emerald Planet. The planet has a new colony of mixed refugees from Earth and other colonies in the Andromeda Galaxy and endless day to day conflicts must be solved. Everything changes when young children suddenly go missing. Natinka sets out to investigate and immediately gets into trouble. Unexpected help appears from her friend Tonya and a disillusioned and mentally hurt drifter, who has his own agenda. His name is Billy, and he has a shady past as bodyguard and assassin. He has a bad temper and a bad conscious for previous ill-fated deeds. These unlikely allies must finally use all their skills and strength to save the children. Billy neither seeks nor questions violence until it is necessary to act. In the final fight with the leader of the criminal gang, Billy realizes that he must continue the hunt for every accomplice in the crumbling criminal empire.

The first novel about the former sniper and assassin Will 'Billy' Diamond. A sequel to the Pyrrus and Kerk series. A tale about ordinary people in somewhat familiar surroundings in a galaxy far, far away.

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Estos son todos los libros de la saga Will Diamond