Babylon Bee

Author • 2 books

Kyle Mann is the editor in chief of The Babylon Bee. He was created in an orc-spawning pit beneath the tower Orthanc near the end of the Third Age. Saruman the Many-Colored drew upon all his dark powers to imbue Kyle with the ability to write satire of semi-acceptable quality from time to time, and also pillage many small villages in Gondor. Kyle oversees and approves all content posted to the site and writes a good bit of it himself.

Joel Berry is The Babylon Bee’s managing editor and a deadly warrior-monk with a shadowy past. Part philosophy-quoting homeschool nerd, part Marine Corps veteran, Joel was found retired in a secluded cabin in the mountains after he swore off his old life and promised to never own a lib again. But Kyle Mann was getting a team together. He convinced Joel to come out of retirement for one final mission: to help run the world’s greatest satire site, which he’s been doing since 2016.

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