Why are so many fewer women than men writing business books about their knowledge, experience and expertise? Maybe for the same reasons that fewer women than men start their own businesses: we have less confidence in our own abilities, are more risk averse, and have to factor in caring responsibilities; we are also taken less seriously by society and its organisations, and lack role models, mentors and networks. Author, publisher and book mentor Lucy McCarraher is on a mission to change this because, with the odds stacked against them, writing and publishing their own book could be of particular benefit to women entrepreneurs. In A Book of One's Own, fifty women authors share their experience with Lucy, who defines ten women archetypes, and explains: The conscious and unconscious bias against women and how to challenge it The fears and anxieties most women share, and how to turn them into assets Why writing your book will benefit you, your business, your family and your gender How to plan and write your book with least disruption to your life and business How to publish and promote your book without feeling pushy, for impact, income and influence
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