"A Martian Odyssey" is a science fiction short story by Stanley G. Weinbaum originally published in the July 1934 issue of Wonder Stories. It was Weinbaum's first published story, and remains his best known. It was followed four months later by a sequel, "Valley of Dreams". These are the only stories by Weinbaum set on Mars.
Shifting Seas
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookA Martian Odyssey
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookProteus Island
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookTidal Moon
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookThe Circle of Zero
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookThe Adaptive Ultimate
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookThe Brink of Infinity
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookParasite Planet
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookPygmalion's Spectacles
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookThe Ideal
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookThe Point of View
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum
bookThe Worlds of If
Stanley Grauman Weinbaum