This classic collection of animal stories follows the adventures of a local vet and the various animals who need his help and care. From a poorly cow who needs urgent treatment, a lost pony who needs rescuing or even a cheeky cat who keeps getting into mischief, this heartwarming collection of animal tales, set against the beautiful, snowy backdrop of the stunning Yorkshire landscape, is perfect to be shared together at this special time of year.
My Life As A Yorkshire Vet
Matt Jackson-Smith
audiobookThe Travelling Vet : From pets to pandas, my life in animals
Jonathan Cranston
bookThe Vet at Noah's Ark
Doug Mader
audiobookTales of a Pet Vet : Stories from the Clinic and House Calls
Dawn Filos
audiobookbookAdventures of a Country Vet : True stories from the horse's mouth
Rory Dean
audiobookThe Accidental Veterinarian
Philipp Schott
audiobookTwo Shakes of a Lamb's Tail : The Diary of a Country Vet
Danielle Hawkins
audiobookTales from a Wild Vet : Paws, claws and furry encounters
Jo Hardy, Caro Handley
audiobookDesigner Dogs, Awkward Hugs, and a Pigeon
PJ Miller
audiobookLove at First Bite
Yair Ziony
audiobookTales from a Young Vet : Mad cows, crazy kittens, and all creatures big and small
Jo Hardy, Caro Handley
audiobookThe Final Diagnosis : Obscure cases of death, disease & murder
Cynric Temple-Camp