
An Augmented Soul


In "An Augmented Soul" Maya awakens on an operating table, discovering her body unnervingly changed and transformed. With no memory of her identity, she is thrust into a maze of secrets while navigating the desolate halls of the BioTek facility, in search of answers.

But the revelation of a sinister secret - one that threaten Maya's future and the very existence of BioTek Inc. - propels her to the heart of the facility to confront the architect of her transformation. The shattering truth about her augmentation and its true purpose, a journey marked by tears and sacrifice, awaits her. Now, Maya stands at a crucial crossroads. Will she embrace the harsh reality of her existence and her newfound purpose, or will this revelation be her demise?

"An Augmented Soul" is a gripping tale that delves into questions of identity, and grappling with the profound implications of technology merging with humanity.


Maya vågner op på et operationsbord, hendes krop forandret. Uden nogen erindring om hvem hun er, bliver hun kastet ind i et virvar af hemmeligheder, i søgen efter svar, i den enorme forladte BioTek-bygning.

Men afsløringen af en mørk hemmelighed truer Mayas fremtid og BioTeks eksistens, hvilket tvinger hende dybere ind for at konfrontere personen bag hendes transformation. Han afslører den grusomme sandhed om hendes forandring og dens sande formål. En pris betalt med tårer og blod tvinger Maya til en skillevej. Vil hun acceptere sandheden og dens formål, eller vil overvældelsen blive for meget for hende?

"An Augmented Soul" er en fængende fortælling om identitet, der konfronterer, hvad der sker, når teknologi erstatter sjælen.