A voyage on the famous Nonestic Ocean! What could be more thrilling than that? We—many of us—have taken trips on the prosaic Atlantic or even Pacific, but have we found a SEA FOREST with flying fish and swimming birds? Have we been pursued by a real SEA SERPENT, or had our ship transfixed by the immense ivory tusk of a NARWHAL? Have we come upon the glittering island of PEAKENSPIRE, or made friends with a charming talking hippopotamus? Yet all these things and more befall Captain Salt, one time Pirate and now Royal Explorer of Oz, and his merry crew. They come back with their hold bursting with unique and fascinating specimens, with their chart crowded with new islands, claimed for Ozma, and drawn so realistically by the delightful little boy Tandy, Cabin Boy and Artist of the Expedition.
The Wishing Horse of Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
audiobookThe Silver Princess in Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
audiobookThe Royal Book of Oz
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audiobookOzoplaning with the Wizard of Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
audiobookThe Lost King of Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
audiobookKabumpo in Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
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audiobookHandy Mandy in Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
audiobookThe Cowardly Lion of Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson