
Confessions of a GP


Benjamin Daniels is angry. He is frustrated, confused, baffled and, quite frequently, very funny. He is also a GP. These are his confessions.

A woman troubled by pornographic dreams about Tom Jones. An 80-year-old man who can't remember why he's come to see the doctor. A woman with a common cold demanding (but not receiving) antibiotics. A man with a sore knee. A young woman who has been trying to conceive for a while but now finds herself pregnant and isn't sure she wants to go through with it. A 7-year-old boy with 'tummy aches' that don't really exist.

These are his patients.

is a witty insight into the life of a family doctor. Funny and moving in equal measure it will change the way you look at your GP next time you pop in.Confessions of a GP

Narrator: Eamonn Riley



17 ratings



Hauskaa, rentoa kuunneltavaa. Tykkäsin kovasti siitä, miten koomisten kuvausten väliin oli upotettu lääkärityÜn eettisiä kysymyksiä. Siinä on ammatti, jossa näkee elämän ja yhteiskunnan koko kirjon. Lukija on ihan huippu.



Interesting topic, written well, however this doctor is an ass. He is very full of himself, complains about not getting glory or praise and talks about his patients in a really condescending tone, slipping sexism and slurs like "tranny" in between pages. He is the type of doctor that I never want to meet.