The first installment in the beloved, sumptuous mystery series set in Provence, featuring chief magistrate Antoine Verlaque and his old flame Marine Bonnet, who must team up to solve a pair of murders.
A Noel Killing
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Vanishing Museum on the Rue Mistral
M.L. Longworth
audiobookMurder on the Ile Sordou
M.L. Longworth
audiobookDeath in the Vines
M.L. Longworth
audiobookMurder in the Rue Dumas
M.L. Longworth
audiobookDeath at the Chateau Bremont
M.L. Longworth
audiobookDisaster at the Vendome Theater
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Secrets of the Bastide Blanche
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Curse of La Fontaine
M.L. Longworth
audiobookThe Mystery of the Lost Cezanne
M.L. Longworth
Murder in the Valleys : Lambert and Havard, book 1
Pippa McCathie
audiobookMrs. Jeffries On The Ball
Emily Brightwell
audiobookThe Fugitive Queen
Fiona Buckley
bookThe Siren Queen: An Ursula Blanchard Mystery at Queen Elizabeth I's
Fiona Buckley
bookAs the Christmas Cookie Crumbles
Leslie Budewitz
audiobookMurder on the Oxford Canal
Faith Martin
audiobookThe Venetian Venture
Suzette A. Hill
audiobookA Matter of Murder
Ann Granger
audiobookWhite Heron
JJ Marsh
audiobookWoman in the Library, The
Sulari Gentill
audiobookBack to the Garden
Laurie R. King
audiobookThe Christie Curse
Victoria Abbott