John Reed, escritor revolucionario y cronista insuperable, fue testigo directo de uno de los acontecimientos históricos de mayor relevancia del siglo xx, la Revolución rusa de 1917. Diez días que estremecieron al mundo es su extraordinario y conmovedor testimonio de la Revolución en que los bolcheviques, al frente de obreros y soldados, conquistaron el poder del Estado en Rusia y lo entregaron a los soviets. No en vano, el mismo Lenin recomendó fervientemente su lectura, traducción y difusión, como instrumento imprescindible para entender la naturaleza de la Revolución proletaria y comprender la naturaleza de la dictadura del proletariado. Diez días que estremecieron al mundo contiene textualmente los discursos de los líderes de la revolución e informa sobre los comentarios y la actitud del pueblo, da cuenta de la unión del pueblo ruso frente a la opresión, narra las escenas vividas y refleja el espíritu de los que fueron testigos y protagonistas de los primeros días de la Revolución de Octubre.
Diez días que estremecieron el mundo
- 17 books
John Reed
John Reed was the kind of man who, one instant, might touch you to your very core -- send a symphony into the marrow of your bones. But he was also the type who, the next instant, might prove exasperatingly shallow. Such was his sad contradiction. There he'd be reciting something truly something -- but reciting it at the exclusive room of the trendiest possible of-the-second club to an audience of those beautiful and ambitious New Yorkers who, though not always successful at it, were the most willing, in the name of glory, to lead lives unexamined and vapid. His tragic and untimely demise unfolded at a juncture when I was most disgusted with him -- for not a month earlier, his reprehensible behavior had ended our relationship. One that had seemed riddled...well, with potential. He could be a boy sometimes, standing as he would have in 1977, a child of the Manhattan wasteland -- a body filthy and lean, and trying to discover for itself honor in the void. This aspect of his work had been of interest to me. And since, during the course of our romance, we discussed our writing with each other, I became quite familiar with his proposal for Duh Whole -- the tale of a girl gone awry, and a great big hole. Hence, it was not unexpectedly (the prospect of finishing the unfinished works of expired authors ever-tempting) that I was approached the very minute John first coughed (with luck, it'd be a foreshadowing of consumption and doom). His outline proved surprisingly complete, and having no book deal of my own, I was soon secured in the effort -- and with John's institutionalization and rapid decline, I was given the green light. If you like my work, you might look for other novels ostensibly by Reed, such as Snowball's Chance and A Still Small Voice, which, incidentally, I also wrote.
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