
Dim, Doga Robot


About the book:

There was a scientist Ahiam, who invented incorrect invention. It was again shed the nature. So that was a incorrect robot. But he died then his son Dim boy invented the right robot. And got the command over his father robot. But in the story thieves made the Dim boy a cyborg. (** The short description of book is One flying paper aeroplane, two flying paper aeroplanes and the many flying paper aeroplanes were flying from the window by Dim boy. They are catch by flying bug and enjoying by reading the message and recording it. It is the story of 2080 year. Where Dim house was a flat located on 14th floor. And his father was a scientist. The name of his father was Ahiam . He works at Lubri laboratory at India. He was a mechanical scientist of robot. When Ahiam enters in to laboratory by soccer instead of lift of 2018 century? He was happy by joining his colleague. He has five colleagues. Working on a project of robot. The name of the robot was Doga. And it was still in process. All his colleagues pay the attention for working on robot. But there is always a mistake and all suppose becomes illegal. As no one going to does the suppose which is right. As it was hard and goes high from his entire mind. Then also they were trying to make the Doga robot."")**