
Harder: A BDSM Romance Story


He started staying at work longer, became more guarded with his phone, and there were more unexplained absences. The compliments had dried up, too, and Chloe was left wondering if it was her that was the problem.

She still loved him though, or so she thought, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe these negative feelings were just part of a period of doubt that would pass. She still lusted over him, but she didn’t know whether that was due to his looks, his personality, or his wealth. One thing she was certain of, though, was that her desires weren’t being met.

Chloe and her ex-boyfriend's sex used to be wild; it was full of blindfolds, whips, and gags, and she loved it all. She had tried to convince her husband James to try some new things in the bedroom, but he was far too vanilla for any of that; Chloe thought she could work on it over time but had found very little success so far. She hoped to unlock James’ hidden desires, but she had yet to find the key.

Warning: This audiobook contains strong sexual content and is intended for mature audiences. Age 18-plus only.