Hope . . . From the Heart of Horses explores and celebrates the relationship and bond possible between horses and humans. Each chapter offers a life lesson about trusting one's instincts, honestly addressing emotions, achieving clarity in communications, and releasing negative thoughts.
Keeping, Raising and Training Horses Naturally: The Horse Book for More Pleasure in Riding and a Close Bond With Your Horse - Incl. Health Guide, Ground Work, Lunging and Horse Games
Paula Meyerhoff
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Andreas Cervenka
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Sara Heyman
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Kalle Juuti, Jari Lavonen, Katariina Salmela-Aro
bookThe Wonderful World of James Herriot : A Charming Collection of Classic Stories
James Herriot
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Iina Koskinen, Maria Ruuska, Tanja Suni
bookSairaanhoitajan paikka
Lotta Tuohino
audiobookbookSwedish course
Ann-Charlotte Wennerholm
audiobookElämä eläinten kanssa
Aura Koivisto
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Jan Sundell