Hubo travels the world (picture book, first part). Hubo travels through eight countries where he experiences and sees a lot, he discovers landmarks and typical things, but also small peculiarities in each of these countries.
¿Dónde está la seta? : El libro de búsqueda más loco con 50 imagénes en color
Mattis Lühmann
bookWhere Is The Toadstool? : The Craziest Search Book With 50 Colorful Pictures
Mattis Lühmann
bookBy bike through Corona-Europe : 2500 miles - 60 days - 7 countries - Travel diary
Mattis Lühmann
bookOrford Ness - 30 indicative photographs
Mattis Lühmann
bookCanada - 30 Lesser-Known Attractions
Mattis Lühmann
bookHubo viaja por el mundo 1
Mattis Lühmann
bookAll you need to know about: Bremen, Germany
Mattis Lühmann
bookAll you need to know about: Bergen, Norway
Mattis Lühmann
bookAll you need to know about: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Mattis Lühmann