
I'm Not the Hero! Volume 2


Iā€™ve got a bit of a confession to makeā€”Iā€™ve been in the world of BB for a few months now, and I still havenā€™t found the true protagonist. There isnā€™t a ton of time to lose either, not when we only have three years to prepare to defeat Rasulfi and save the world. Donā€™t worry though, Iā€™ve got a plan: Iā€™m gonna train Radd and his party of rookies up so they can take care of it all for me!

Step one was to have them subjugate their first dungeon, but now itā€™s time for them to conquer something biggerā€”Freeleaā€™s coliseum. With the tournament for the title of strongest fighter only a month away, Iā€™ll have to use my game knowledge to the fullest to prepare them for battle! Iā€™ll take advantage of my Analyze skill to check out peopleā€™s stats, use items to seize the upper hand against enemies, and even utilize dungeon traps to create the perfect conditions for grinding! But even so, will I really be able to make the kids strong enough to defeat Nirva, the current champion of the coliseum?