In this book, Adam Hamilton explores how, with God’s help, we can make love last. Drawing upon a survey of thousands of couples and singles, interviews with relationship and marriage therapists, the latest research in the field, and wisdom from the Bible, Hamilton looks at what it takes to create and sustain healthy, meaningful, and romantic relationships across the course of a lifetime. The six keys he has identified as fundamental to successful marriages are coved in six chapters: More Than a Piece of Paper What She Wants; What He Wants The Significance of Sexual Intimacy Habits That Hurt, Habits That Heal Clothe, Bear With, and Forgive A Love That Lasts a Lifetime
Love to Stay : Six Keys to a Successful Marriage
- 6 books
Adam Hamilton
Adam Hamilton is the founding pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City. Started in 1990 with four people, the church has grown to become the largest United Methodist Church in the United States with over 18,000 members. The church is well known for connecting with agnostics, skeptics, and spiritual seekers. In 2012, it was recognized as the most influential mainline church in America, and Hamilton was asked by the White House to deliver the sermon at the Obama inaugural prayer service. Hamilton, whose theological training includes an undergraduate degree from Oral Roberts University and a graduate degree from Southern Methodist University where he was honored for his work in social ethics, is the author of nineteen books. He has been married to his wife, LaVon, for thirty-one years and has two adult daughters.
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