In today's commodity-based marketplace it is harder than ever to differentiate even the most unique services and products. The sales presentation provides the most powerful opportunity to do so. Recognizing the salesperson's mindset ("Time is Money"), this book is designed to provide quick and useful concepts and tools to help salespeople break through the "we have always done it this way" mentality that is so prevalent in Corporate America. Make It All About Them offers sales professionals a proven and unique approach for winning sales presentations by highlighting the traditional rules of presentations and revealing the truth about them. Some examples include Tradition: The more detail we include the smarter we look. Truth: The audience will only remember three things. Tradition: Speak in tongues/jargon. Truth: Speak in plain English. Tradition: Start by telling them how big and important you (the speaker/the business) are Truth: Start by telling them how important THEY are.
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