Today, there are still a large number of companies who, while engaging in social media, dont have a strategic approach nor have ever created an actual social media strategy document that can be shared internally. Furthermore, many companies dont even calculate how effective they are at their social media, one of the critical components of implementing any social media strategy. While companies spend more time, and money, in their social media efforts, the need to create an internal plan (= strategy) that everyone internally can understand gets greater by the day. Maximizing Social will be the practical book that will allow any business, big or small, to create and maintain their own social media strategy. Period. No more paying agencies or hiring expensive consultants. One read of this book and any business will have a clear vision of what they need to do to create and execute upon their social media for business roadmap. As such, the organization of the content will be very similar to the actual social media consulting strategies I have written for clients. The overall organization of the book will look as follows: How Far Social Media has Evolved and the Absolute Necessity for Creating a Social Media Strategy Preparing for the Creation of Your Social Media Strategy Elements of a Profitable Social Media Strategy Mechanics of a Profitable Social Media Strategy Maintaining Your Social Media Strategy
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