


MODERN Modernism takes its direct descent

from Higher Criticism. It builds its castles on the shifting sands of the

so-called “assured results” of “critical Scholarship.” But the true origin of

this deadly heresy can be traced to a garden—which garden all Modernists do

their best to legendarize—therein the first tragedy of Modernism took place. “As

for Modernism,” said the Warden of a Madras College, “people make a mistake

when they think it is a new fad or that it is of a mushroom growth. Modernism,

as a certain mode of thinking, is as old as Mother Eve.” How very true, for

Satan was the first of the cult and on his first introduction to—or rather

intrusion on—the human race, his first words were: “Yea, hath God said, Ye

shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”