Ollessaan maanpaossa Saint Helenan saarella Napoleon Bonaparte luki Julius Caesarin kertomuksia Gallian sodasta ja kommentoi tämän strategiaa omien kokemustensa pohjalta. Vaikka aseet olivatkin kehittyneet huimasti sitten antiikin aikojen, Napoleon näki runsaasti yhtäläisyyksiä Caesarin ja itsensä välillä. Molemmat olivat uskaliaita sotilasjohtajia, jotka kykenivät yllättäviin ratkaisuihin taistelukentällä, mutta ymmärsivät samalla, miten tärkeää oli rakentaa vahva side omiin joukkoihin. Valtaosalla historian suurista sotilasjohtajista on ollut tiettyjä synnynnäisiä johtajaominaisuuksia. He kaikki olivat päättäväisiä, energisiä ja luovia, mutta samalla usein itsepäisiä ja ylpeitä. Suurin osa heistä oli myös jossakin vaiheessa ottanut liian suuria riskejä.
Olemme koonneet yhteen jännittäviä tarinoita sotilasjohtajista, jotka ovat jättäneet jälkensä sotahistoriaan. Tarinoissa esiintyvät esimerkiksi Aleksanteri Suuri, Hannibal, Jean d’Arc ja Napoleon Bonaparte sekä toisen maailmansodan kuuluisat kenraalit Patton, Žukov ja Montgomery.
Maailman historia vie sinut henkeäsalpaavalle matkalle menneisyyteen. Nauti historian suurista tapahtumista ja palaa ajassa taaksepäin – takaisin toisen maailmansodan eturintamaan, viikinkien ryöstöretkiin ja jumalia palvovien egyptiläisten pariin. Maailman historia tarjoaa upeita artikkeleita jännittävistä ja dramaattisista menneisyyden tapahtumista.
https://www.biokemia.fi/Bushism_sins_of_the_fathers.htm Decapoli, 10 heathen mother cities. Scythapolis at the west bank of Jordan where Jeshua worked as naggare nikkari plough smith for the invaders. Manly ex drunk Andreas Antero Vipunen from beth-Araba Qumran og Zadokite Temple priests trained by Jouchanan Joukahainen and sent by Magister Jeshua to Scythia Scotland and Magog Ukraine but wandered up to lake Ladoga, Antreas town and contemporary Arkangel arch angel. Both keep the cross of Andrew as heraldic symbol. Thats common with Russian navy & Union Jack. 1st called apostle sent to Scythians. GET SOBER, DRUNKARDS OF EPHRAIM! Antero Vipunen vipuristi key figure in Kalevala. Big Oak Babeltower: Strong central government was a curse to pen Finns. Pen, Pun the son of Issaschar grandson of Job MitzraIm."Double Trouble" end time Egypt civil war Isaiah 19. Latter times Egypt USA. Do not trust in Egypt war machines! Rod breaks thruu your hand! Hooks to the jaws of Mitzraim fermenting crocodile and cast to desert with nations entangled to its scales. Fast spurt, then croco is acid muscle corpse for a week. 18X less energy from ethanol fermentation rottening than burning pure to CO2. Damascos tragedy Isaiah 17 & end of the age of grace that started on the road to Damascos of Eliezer given from Nimrod to Terah with the best war horse 360 day years prior to Flood. 12x30. Mazel tov, mazaroth tov. "Can you call mazaroth in its time?" asked Miltha Memra Logos in the book of Job Iobs Kheops 390x7 year diaspora punishment sentence for the EphraIm, ten lost tribes is full as we speak. ”The fullness of Gentiles” in Romans 11:25: ”...blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” refers to Genesis 48:17-22: “his seed shall become a multitude of nations”; “fullness of the gentiles.” Martti Ahtisaari & Markku Niskala got Israel's Shield of David to the int Red Cross societies. 21% of the Nobel prizes to a minority of less than 17 million souls. "Greatest services for the humankind". To serve and to protect Mystery Babylon 2.0. NDA & the law of omerta Big Oak of Kalevala 2.0 vis-a-vis tower of slave trade burnmark labels will come down. Also Sooter Kyrios has secrets that He tells to His faithful ones. The difference is that the secrets of The Kingdom of heaven whispered in chambers are proclaimed from the house tops and Sat-7 satellites in zenith To Moslims: The living G*d builds from individual stones, living stones, not from mass produced bricks that are all similar pressed to same shape. God JHVH gives Living water, not still water stored in containers growing germs: 1. Peter 2:4- "To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jeshua Joshua Maschiach anointed one. Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded." www.dinoglyphs.fi Rx-100 USPT. LPA lysophophatidic acid, S1P Sphingosine-1-phosphate and the synthetic Rx-100 RADIOMITIGATORS: Life saving bioactive lipids after lethal dose of irradiation. Biggest amounts of LPA in fresh eggs but need to be frozen fresh. In 24h the activity drops 90% Hidden in the plain sight: Big money insiders in the Orient bet on the Gaza Jihad and made huge record profits in shorting Israeli stock index which fell 1/3 at the birthday of Valdemar P. 7.10. In Revelation 12 Leviatan slashes 1/3 of the angels down in rebellion. We got a prelude. Also Jewish Anna Politkovskaja was shot solo 7.10. (2006) as a present. Creation started 7th October told the rabbi. Both Ajatollah & Netanjahve born at eclipse Eugen was popular name at the eugenics era. Today CRISPR: www.biokemia.fi/Haeckelianlegacy_ABC5.pdf Blacstone & Blackrock: Islam & the biggest investment concerns have a Black Stone to kiss. Jeshua the anointed one gives a white stone to the winners which hides a new name for them that no one knows. Nomes est omen. The deeper we dive to Genesis Bereshit Beginnings Synnyt syvät - the more meaning, power and attributes the name carries: Revelation 2:17: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." On the road to Damascus Sheol Paul saw a blinding light akin to nuclear detonation and was struck blind for 3 days. Damascus Isaiah 17 => chaos all over The Good The Bad and The Forgiven 12 sons of Kaleva, three reached ancient Finland. 12 judge stones in the old pennic fennic villages also for wives. High calling of wives vis-a-vis Proverbs 31. Kveenit Kainuu kvinna queens the vikings and Tacitus laughed. Suomi Seem Shem saame Saimaa shamaani mythological legacy. Sauna at saturdays, sapatti Sabbath. Megalith stones via Arzareth plains of Siberia, druid refers to "oaks" where the bones of patriarcs and matriarchs wait sequencing at Mamre. Paternal Y chromosome & maternal mitochondrial DNA Rx-100 LPA S1P for radiation poisoning www.dinoglyphs.fi 359 number of Shin Thet Nuun 25.12. 359. Day of the year. Saturnalia Ukon & Raunin maljat Mithras. Jeshua was born 9 months after the darkest day 364 days in Enochian Zadok Qumran calender= 7x7x7 +7+7+7 days. Leap WEEK every 7th year. 1. Esdras side to side with Eshter in Qumran Beth Abara American eclipses 6 years 6 months 6 weeks 6 days from each other; 2nd in April 8 2024. Genesis 1:14 the first sign. MoedIm, divine appointments. All planets awkward 28.3.2024. Passover 9th April same day Adam obeyed Havva Eve and Magister died exactly 4000 years later. Blinken of an eye in Riad dividing "my land" with crown Prince nagid MBS Sign of Jonah, the redneck prophet from Galilee. Risin plant was the bioweapon of much desruction in the antiquities Even The map of USA resembles a whale. Cetos not iktys. In the past 10 years 80% of the judgements of the UN Human Rights Commission against Israel. The apple of the eye. Barbarbarbaria. Reflex reaction is inevitable http://www.biokemia.fi/YEC-contra-OEC.pdf Lord Jacob von Rothschild dies at age 87. Flood began 7 day morning period after son of Enoch metatron Metuselah "when-dies-destruction-thrown". 5993-5986 anno mundo in the 17th century Finnish calender. Farao saw the dream of 7 last years before the Millennium 7th day of rest. 7 lean wheat grains, 7 horribly diseased cows Captagon 90% Syrian export 3x Mexico cartels' turnover. 65% of UN condemnations against Israel last 10 years. Indicator of barbarbarbaria Opportunists on the move. 8.4.2024. Moedim. Genesis 1:14: 1)st Moedim. 2nd) yomim & shoanim. Big light of the day & small light of the night (Genesis 1:14) as 1).The time span between the two great solar eclipses of the USA crossing point TAV... Tav the 22th AlefBet numerical value 400: Sun is 400x broader than Moon but 400x further away. 28.3.2024 wandering planets in line. Mazel tov mazaroth. Great bear, Small bear cub. When 3 ribs in bears mouth "Eat much flesh". Rider of the Red Zach horse & huge sword. Blood, fire and palm shaped pillars of smoke. Flying scroll ish isha. Abomination of desolation
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