Overcoming depression: it can be done. Bad sleep and dysfunctional dreaming are at the heart of how the brain manufactures depressed feelings. In this download you will learn about the three factors that create and maintain virtually all depressions. You will be able to identify the importance of each of these as contributors to your depression. And you will find advice, tools and direct experiences to heal yourself and provide the confidence to insure you will never again experience a serious depression. E Motion downloads are based on the Human Givens approach to mental healing and health the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates from the mid 1990s. The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy, but it can also be used as part of a standalone selfhelp programme. Andrew Richardson is a director of the London Human Givens Centre and a qualified Human Givens practitioner.
Trauma Release : Neutralising Bad Memories
Andrew Richardson
audiobookFeeling Better : Healing Stories For Mindfulness
Andrew Richardson
audiobookRelaxation and Empowerment
Andrew Richardson
audiobookOvercoming Postnatal Depression
Andrew Richardson
audiobookImproving Relations with your Partner
Andrew Richardson
audiobookOvercoming Loss and Bereavement
Andrew Richardson
audiobookOvercoming Depression
Andrew Richardson
audiobookStopping Addictions
Andrew Richardson
audiobookStopping Cocaine Addiction
Andrew Richardson
audiobookBuilding Self-Confidence
Andrew Richardson
audiobookAchieve Life Goals
Andrew Richardson
audiobookStopping Binge Drinking
Andrew Richardson
Joustava mieli : Vapaudu stressin, uupumuksen ja masennuksen yliotteesta
Arto Pietikäinen
audiobookbookMies ja masennus : Paremman voinnin paluu!
Jukka Valkonen
bookUnelmaero : Elämä 2.0
Ismo Leikola, Angelika Leikola
audiobookbookUnisatuja rauhattomille aikuisille 1 - Kurpitsoita ja siideriä
Kathryn Nicolai
audiobookAivoblues : Miksi voimme huonosti, vaikka kaikki on hyvin
Anders Hansen
audiobookbookMiksei kukaan ole kertonut minulle tätä aiemmin?
Julie Smith
audiobookbookMiksi nukumme - Unen voima
Matthew Walker
audiobookbookKehorentoutusmeditaatio 5 min
Hidasta elämää
audiobookKuinka olla piittaamatta p*skaakaan : Nurinkurinen opas hyvää elämään
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audiobookAivot - Ihmisen tarina
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audiobookAivovoimaa - Näin vahvistat aivojasi liikunnalla
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audiobookUnfu*k yourself : Lopeta märehtiminen, aloita elämä
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