
The Boy Who Lived in Pudding Lane : Being a true account, if only you believe it, of the life and ways of Santa, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus


This is a biography of the greatest international figure that ever existed - Santa Claus! The early life and young manhood of Santa has always been a mystery. This wonderful story sheds light on Santa's life, where he lived, who his family was, and most importantly how he started making toys for Christmas. This enchanting story is sure to become your family's holiday favorite! Knowing how important language development is to success in school, educator AnnaLisa Bodtker created alenbeebooks. Audiobooks enhance listening skills, increase vocabulary, and allow children to enjoy books above their reading levels. Alenbeebooks selects well written stories and poems, that are narrated in an engaging manner, to promote good language skills.

copyright 2022 (P) alenbeebooks

AnnaLisa Bodtker is the narrator of the popular audiobooks When We Were Very Young, Christmas in the Forest, Mermaid Tales and Seaside Poems, and The Amateur Witch and Other Witchy Stories.

For more quality audiobooks, please visit www.alenbeebooks.com.

Narrator: AnnaLisa Bodtker