Embark on a journey with a humble packman and his loyal donkey as they pass through the mountaintop town known as the Thorpe. In this captivating tale of adventure and discovery, they bear witness to the peculiar events unfolding within the confines of this Utopia/dystopia. As they navigate the intricate layers of Thorpe's society, they encounter a cast of characters both fascinating and formidable. Join them as they unravel the secrets of Thorpe and confront the truths that lie hidden beneath its seemingly idyllic facade. The Gods Give My Donkey Wings is a blend of fantasy and introspection, offering readers a thought-provoking exploration of utopian ideals and the complexities of human nature.
Lords of the Desert: Britain's Struggle with America to Dominate the Middle East
James Barr
audiobookThe Gods Give My Donkey Wings
James Barr
bookLords of the Desert : Britain's Struggle with America to Dominate the Middle East
James Barr
bookA Line in the Sand : Britain, France and the struggle that shaped the Middle East
James Barr