Think you can spot the leaders in your company? Don't assume that you can identify them by their positions. What about those employees who consistently step up: the field agent who solves a previously intractable problem; the service rep who thinks outside the box and creates unshakeable customer loyalty. These are more than "good employees"...these are "hidden leaders"...and they are critical to an organization's long-term success. Managers today need to make the most of all their resources - and The Hidden Leader shows them how to recognize and cultivate these talented but under utilized employees, who: demonstrate integrity; lead through authentic relationships; focus on results; work from clear customer purpose; and, fulfill the value promise of the company. Supported by real-world examples of hidden leaders in action - and QR codes readers can scan for instant access to online assessments - the book helps managers discover these secret saviors and enable them to deliver even greater value to customers.
The Hidden Leader : Discover and Develop Greatness Within Your Company
- Audiobook
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