
The Introvert's Guide to Speed Dating


After four years living the single life, itā€™s decided that I, London Stuart, am back on the market. Iā€™m not even mad when my cousins and best friends put my name down for the speed-dating sessions. In fact, Iā€™m actually a little excited about it. But then one of my dates turns out to be my six-year-old sonā€™s irresistibly sexy soccer coachā€”his irresistibly sexy British soccer coach. Oliver Hayes is too good to be trueā€”heā€™s tall, dark, handsome, hilarious, and genuinely loves kidsā€¦especially mine. But heā€™s not sure if heā€™s even staying in the country, and Iā€™m not sure I can handle giving him my heart if heā€™s only going to leave. So why is he over for dinner almost every night? Why is he giving Leo private goalie lessons in the backyard? Why is he sending flowers to my desk at the newspaper? And why, oh why, canā€™t I stop kissing him?