John Calvin is one of historys most influential religious figures. Calvin was a French theologian during the Reformation and later developed the system of Christian theology known as Calvinism. This version of Calvins The Necessity of Reforming the Church includes a table of contents.
On the Christian Life : A New Translation
John Calvin
audiobookbookInstitutes of the Christian Religion : The Basics of Protestant Theology
John Calvin
bookA Treatise on Relics
John Calvin
bookInstitutes of the Christian Religion : The Basics of Protestant Theology
John Calvin
bookTreatise on Relics : A Theological Discourse
John Calvin
bookAn Admonition showing, the Advantages which Christendom might derive from an Inventory of Relics
John Calvin
bookThe Collected Works of John Calvin. Illustated : Psychopannychia, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Commentaries and others
John Calvin
bookInstitutes of the Christian Religion : The Basics of Protestant Theology
John Calvin
bookDelphi Collected Works of John Calvin (Illustrated)
John Calvin
bookA Treatise On The Eternal Predestination Of God
John Calvin
bookA Defence of the Secret Providence of God
John Calvin
bookThe World's Great Sermons
Basil of Caesarea, John Chrysostom, St. Augustine, John Wycliffe, Girolamo Savonarola, Martin Luther, Hugh Latimer, Philipp Melanchthon, John Knox, John Calvin
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Seppo Keinänen
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