What can we do about the challenges of an aging America? Solutions will require the imagination and engagement of government, business, medicine, philanthropy and academia. With commitment -- with a movement -- there is hope and opportunity. Millions of aging individuals are seeking new ways to remain healthy, active, engaged and contributing members of society. Thoughtful leaders are beginning to pay attention and respond to the demographic wave. Solutions are being discussed and developed. From new approaches to wellness and health care, to senior-friendly housing and transportation systems, to encore education and career opportunities, to the use of new technologies and social networks to engage seniors, innovation abounds. The Upside of Aging: How Long Life Is Changing the World of Health, Work, Innovation, Policy and Purpose will be an edited book by Paul Irving, Senior Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Milken Institute, with chapters written by American leaders who speak to the challenges and promises of our age shift. Each chapter will acknowledge the difficulties to be addressed and the potential solutions to be considered. In sum, this will provide thoughtful and expert analysis about the state of American aging, the opportunity to build a better America, and a call to action to empower seniors and improve aging lives.
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