
The Wheel of Doll


The eponymous and hapless detective Happy Doll returns with a new philosophy and a new case in this second installment of the series.

Mary DeAngelo is searching for her estranged mother, Ines Candle--a singular and troubled woman Doll once loved. The last he'd seen her she'd been near-death: arms slit like envelopes. Although she survived, she vanished shortly thereafter. Now, years later, Mary claims Ines is alive and has recently made contact only to disappear once again. What's led the flighty Ines to reappear? Is Mary only relaying half the truth? And who is Mary's strange and mysterious husband?

"I loved this book - it's quirky, edgy, charming, funny and serious, all in one. Very highly recommended." LEE CHILD, on A Man Named Doll

Narrator: Jonathan Ames